18SepAll Day19 Conference - Business and Inequality: Rethinking ownership, governance and rewards to prevent societal collapse (IESE + ACCIO)

Event Details

Why should business leaders care about inequality?

Extreme and rapidly growing inequality is a clear indicator of societal failure, which in turn stifles business growth and sustainability. For businesses to thrive, they must operate within a stable and equitable society.

Income and wealth inequality have increased in many countries over the last few decades, fueling growing discontent and anxiety in the population. Increasingly unequal societies experience more political polarization, and this translates into weaker trust in public institutions. This process ultimately undermines the basis of our democracies. Several factors have contributed to it, including globalization, technological disruption, financialization, increasing concentration, weakening of labor market institutions, and a decline in state intervention.

But for most people, the experience of inequality stems from their workplace, thus business is central to this experience. Business needs to become a contributor to reducing inequality rather than its main driver.

In this conference, we will discuss how business can become part of the solution by rethinking governance, ownership, and rewards. Among the main takes-aways you will find: cutting-edge content from top-notch academic thinkers and practitionersinspiring real-life stories from trail-blazing companiespractical insights and tools through workshops and breakout sessions; and you will be exposed to a network of CEOS and decision-makers willing to contribute to a better world.

The content will provide insights into:

GOVERNANCE: Sharing control among stakeholders and protecting the firm’s purpose.

OWNERSHIP: More equal opportunities through employee ownership and investing for impact.

REWARDS: Sharing value with employees along the supply chain, through fair pay, benefits and regenerative people practices.

Our mission is to inspire, inform, and develop business leaders who are willing to take concrete steps toward more equitable, sustainable and conscious business practices.

If you are one of these leaders, we want to see you there.




Septiembre 18 (Miércoles) - 19 (Jueves)(GMT+02:00)

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